
Egg shell powder

 Do you have a home garden?Well we supply egg shell powder. This is rich in calcium which is needed for your plants healthy growth. It's homemade. We take utmost care by cleaning the egg shells collected from restaurant, homes around the neighborhood, bakery and hatchery too. But fair warning, the  eggshells  need to undergo a proper process to be turned into powder. Although this process consists of no added chemicals, it’s important to note that simply crushing eggs and consuming them may be harmful to the plants. So we boil the shells then sun dry them before crushing and making it into powder.  Please don't waste the egg shells you throw. Process them and enjoy gardening. Can be used for both flowers and vegetable garden. 

Baby chicks

It's so nice to watch mama hen pick little grains and feed her young ones before she eats. I suppose that is how God has created mama hen . So is our mother she cares for her children a lot. No one can take the place of a mother love towards does our God care for us too. Have a good day. Stay blessed.  

Kadaknath hen

This is how the kadaknath hen looks like. Royal doesn't it look. We grow them in our backyard in Tamil Nadu, India. It's known for its medicinal value and a wonderful immunity booster. Even it's flesh is black. These chicken are very friendly and love to be petted. That's my angel who loves to care and play with them. Well she also identified each with different names though they all look similar to us. She says one day i will be a hen doctor..... Well I said a vet doctor... No vet cares about all animals I specifically care only for hen. Hahaha.....  

Kadaknath hen eggs

 Eggs of kadaknath hen: What's special about this egg? Well will you believe me if I told you about the truth that these chicken are completely black- its beak it's leg, it's comb and ofcourse it's feathers. But you can see their eggs are not black. They look just like our backyard country chicken eggs. Surprised! But it's fact. Thanks for reading.